"With TM, we experience a deep, inner reservoir of creativity and calm."

Emily Fitz Randolph, certified TM teacher

The TM technique is not...

Transcendental Meditation practice is not a religion. Nor does it interfere with one's religion—or lack of one. It is not a belief system. You don't even have to believe in TM for it to work. The TM technique is different from other types of meditation in how it is practiced and in the positive effects it produces on the mind and body.

"TM expands consciousness, preparing the mind for every subsequent experience."

Fred Travis, Ph.D., psychologist and professor

How is the TM technique different?

The Transcendental Meditation technique is distinct from all other forms of meditation. Other techniques maintain a level of mental activity at the surface of the mind. In contrast, TM practice is characterized by the settling down of mental activity, transcendence of thought, and an inward trajectory of the mind.

The TM technique gives rise to a unique state of brain functioning which has numerous holistic benefits. It is also completely effortless, and therefore much easier to master than other forms of meditation.

How does TM work? "By harnessing the natural tendency of the mind to move towards more happiness."

Mario Orsatti, certified TM teacher

The TM technique: a unique state of "restful alertness"

Research from the last 55 years shows that Transcendental Meditation practice produces a unique physiological state where the body experiences deep rest while the mind is alert. This state is characterized by a sharp decrease in the respiratory rate, increased blood flow to the brain, and an increase in brain orderliness and integration. There are changes that are the opposite of the effects of stress: decreased cortisol, deep muscle relaxation, reduced arterial blood lactate, and increased galvanic skin response. Researchers have concluded that the TM technique produces a fourth major state of consciousness, Transcendental Consciousness, a state of restful alertness, which is distinct from waking, sleeping, and dreaming. This state is unique to TM practice.

What people say about TM

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Noah Schechtman

Certified TM teacher

Jerry, George, Bob Roth

TV host & comedian


Marketing strategist

Raisa Martinez

Certified TM teacher

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi spent 13 years studying with his teacher, a renowned custodian of the thousands-year-old tradition of ancient Vedic wisdom. Maharishi revived, systematized, and demystified the teaching of TM to share it with people throughout the world to develop their consciousness.

By 1958, Maharishi was traveling the world teaching the Transcendental Meditation technique. He oversaw the training of thousands of certified TM teachers and established a non-profit foundation to preserve the authenticity of the TM technique for generations to come.

Dr. Tony Nader

Maharishi chose Dr. Tony Nader, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard-trained medical doctor and one of the world’s eminent Vedic scholars, as his successor. Today, Dr. Nader leads the non-profit Transcendental Meditation organizations, their programs, and teachers in over 100 countries.

Dr. Nader is guiding Maharishi's remarkable legacy into the 21st century, by bringing the science of consciousness to new audiences and expanding our understanding of the furthest reaches of human potential.

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