The following description applies to all content on this website. This website uses trademarks owned by Maharishi Foundation International, its affiliates, and its licensors. When discussing trademark rights and ownership, this website uses the terms “Maharishi Foundation”, “us”, “we” or “our” to mean (i) Maharishi Foundation International (when Maharishi Foundation is the owner of the trademark) or (ii) the affiliate owner of the trademark (when Maharishi Foundation International is a licensee of the trademark). The trademarks used on this website are valuable assets that are protected by the laws of the United States and other countries and regions. Maharishi Foundation reserves all rights of ownership of these trademarks. Nothing implied or stated in your use of this website confers on you any rights to use our trademarks. Unauthorized use of these trademarks is prohibited under the trademark laws of the United States and other countries and regions.

Trademark Definitions

A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design (including logos) that distinguishes the source of goods. A service mark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design (including logos) that distinguishes the source of a service. A trade name is the official name under which an individual or a company conducts business. The term trade dress refers to the appearance of a product or its packaging, including size, shape, color, texture, graphics, and appearance (such as the graphics and appearance of this website). Whenever the term “trademark” is used on this website, it refers to trademarks, service marks, trade names, and trade dress.

Trademark Law

Trademarks rights and the laws that protect such rights are territorial in nature. This means that each country has its own laws on what trademarks are and are not protectable, how such trademarks ought to be used, and, if appropriate, how proper notice is given. The United States, for example, allows owners to give notice of a federal registration with “®” symbol and of common law rights to give notice with the “™” or “℠” symbol.  While many countries around the world have adopted these conventions, they are not universal.  You must look to the laws of your specific jurisdiction to understand the laws governing the Foundation’s trademark rights. This website is viewed by users worldwide. Maharishi Foundation owns, licenses, or uses dozens of trademarks, some of which are registered in more than 100 countries. Because the rules regarding the noticing of trademarks differ by country and region, we use the asterisk symbol (“*”) after the first use of a term on this website (along with a hyperlink to this Trademark section”) to denote that the term is owned, licensed, or used as trademark.

List of Trademarks

Below is a non-exhaustive list of Maharishi Foundation’s trademarks used in the United States followed by the appropriate notice symbol under U.S. law. This list is included for illustrative purposes only. Use of the U.S. notice symbol after each listed trademark does not constitute a claim regarding the registration of that trademark in any country or region outside of the United States. The absence of a trademark from this list does not constitute a waiver of Maharishi Foundation concerning such trademark under U.S. law or the law of any other country. Inquiries concerning any trademarks used on this website should be directed to

. Transcendental Meditation® TM® Maharishi® Consciousness-Based® Consciousness-Based Education® Maharishi’s picture® (image below) Tree logo + Transcendental Meditation® (image below) Tree logo™ (image below) Tree ring logo™ (image below) Maharishi™ Yoga Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness™ (image below) Maharishi Integrated Health™ (image below)

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    Tree logo + Transcendental Meditation®

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    Tree logo™

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    Tree ring logo™

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    Maharishi Integrated Health™

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    Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness™

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    Consciousness Based Education™